Protected Area Network

The Protected Area Network (PAN) project began in 2010 implemented by the National Parks and Conservation Service (NPCS) and co-financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The initiative consists of creating a reconfigured a network of state and private protected areas that is designed to safeguard a representative sample of Mauritius’s terrestrial biodiversity under an effective and adaptive management regime. More precisely, the project seeks to strengthen the systemic, institutional and operational capacity to:

  1. Identify, prioritize and target gaps in representation that can be filled through protected area expansion, and complementary conservation, efforts on private and state-owned land;
  2. Develop regulatory drivers and an incentives framework to support PA expansion, and complementary conservation, efforts on private and state-owned land;
  3. Establish and administer a conservation stewardship program to implement PA expansion initiatives on privately owned or managed land;
  4. Effectively plan, resource and manage an expanded PAN comprising both private and state protected areas;
  5. Cost-effectively mitigate the threats to, and pressures on, the unique biodiversity contained within the expanded PAN (notably the spread of invasive alien species); ensure better integration of the PAN into the country’s socio-economic development priorities, in particular development of the tourism industry, to ensure its long-term financial sustainability; and
  6. Respond effectively to the needs of, and meaningfully involve, different stakeholder groups in the ongoing planning and operational management of the expanded PAN.

Please visit PAN website for more information.